Clematis Lane Residence Sudden Valley, Whatcom County Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Under 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in Whatcom County within the Lake Whatcom Watershed Overlay District. Stormwater design incorporated a media...
Clematis Lane Residence #2 Sudden Valley, Whatcom County Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Under 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in Whatcom County within the Lake Whatcom Watershed Overlay District. Stormwater design incorporated a media...
Colfax Court Residence #1 Whatcom County Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Under 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in Whatcom County within the Columbia Valley Urban Growth Area and within the Rural Stormwater Area of Whatcom County. ...
Colfax Court Residence #2 Whatcom County Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Under 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in Whatcom County within the Columbia Valley Urban Growth Area and within the Rural Stormwater Area of Whatcom County. ...