Firelane Road Residence City of Bellingham Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design powered by NiceJob SCHEDULE A CALL TODAY Schedule a call with us to get your project started. CONTACT...
First Reform Church Parking Expansion City of Lynden Parking Lot Expansion Civil & Stormwater Design Civil construction plans and stormwater design for the grading and paving of a 46 stall parking lot expansion to service the Church, which also included...
Flint Street Residence City of Bellingham Single-Family Residence Stormwater design Under 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in City of Bellingham within the NPDES Phase II Permit Regulated Area. Stormwater design incorporated a rain garden....
Fowles Lane Residence Whatcom County Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Over 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in Whatcom County within an NPDES Phase II Permit Area. Stormwater design incorporated a bioretention treatment and infiltration...
Freedom Place Residence Whatcom County Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Over 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in Whatcom County within the Drayton Harbor Watershed District. Stormwater design incorporated a downspout dispersion trench...