Holeman Avenue Residence #2 – Whatcom County

Holeman Avenue Residence #2 – Whatcom County

Holeman Avenue Residence #2 Whatcom County Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Over 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in Whatcom County within the Birch Bay Special Stormwater District.  Stormwater design incorporated an engineered gravel...
Holeman Avenue Residence #3 – Whatcom County

Holeman Avenue Residence #3 – Whatcom County

Holeman Avenue Residence #3 Whatcom County Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Under 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in Whatcom County within the Birch Bay Special Stormwater District.  Stormwater design incorporated a rain garden and a...
Holeman Avenue Residence #2 – Whatcom County

Honeycomb Lane Residence – Sudden Valley, Whatcom County

Honeycomb Lane Residence Sudden Valley, Whatcom County Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Over 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design in Whatcom County within the Lake Whatcom Watershed Overlay District.  Stormwater design incorporated a media...
Hoyt Lane Residence – City of Blaine

Hoyt Lane Residence – City of Blaine

Hoyt Road Residence City of Blaine Single-Family Residence Stormwater Design Over 5,ooo square feet impervious surface stormwater design within the City of Blaine. The stormwater design incorporated a perforated stub-out connection that outlets to an existing ditch....